Day: June 30, 2013

Depicting: Robotic FOAMing

Instructor: Peter Massin

As a supplement to the ProtoRoboticFOAMing design studio, this course attempts to achieve a spacial and formal interpretation of the small scale, self-organizing spaces intrinsic in foam structures.
The students deconstructed images of their work intensively and interpreted their view towards these spaces in various 3D and rendering platforms. The results were presented in a final exhibition.

Biotronic (Water)gardens

Team: Marjan Colletti, Allison Weiler, Renate Weissenböck, Peter Massin

Students: Gernot Baumann, Sven Winkler, Loris Clara, Jean Speller, Thomas Patterer, Suna Petersen, Thomas Höck, Sabine Kendlbacher, Matthias Vinatzer, Florian Volderauer, Sabrina Eisele, Luisa-Maria Riepl, Lena Krautgartner, Selma Sarcevic, Lena Krautgartner, Selma Sarcevic, Clara Jaschke, Eva Krismann, David Stieler, Anna Achberger, Johanna Lehmann, Peter Erspamer, Lukas Mair, Florian Pöllmann, Alain Rosenfeld