FrAgile Architecture
Team: Prof. Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Thomas Mathoy
Students: Vogl-Fernheim Johanna, Pomberger Angelika, Hörl Louise, Toferer Mario, Vladic Günther, Lercher Alexander, Sponring Katharina, Mitterwurzer Sabine, Gostner Elisa, Mörtl Theresa, Mazagg Elisa , Pompermaier Anna, Fabbris Lucilla, Bartolucci Hannah, Bertolini Silvia, Handtmann Karl, Stadelmann Nadine, Grimm Raffael, Turolla Alessandro, Jocher Lorenz, Schramm Kristina, Hahn Mendissa
Meeting Nature Halfway is an overarching research topic at the Department of Experimental Architecture. Structural Engineering and addresses the intersection of architecture and nature. The fundamental … more