Link to the full paper at the repository of Loughborough University
Based on the REX|LAB project Cohesion/Cocoon from 2019 we contributed to a research paper for the Second RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication: Digital Concrete 2020.
Authors: Richard Buswell, Peter Kinnell, Jie Xu, Norman Hack, Harald Kloft, Mehdi Maboudi, Markus Gerke, Peter Massin, Georg Grasser, Rob Wolfs, Freek Bos
Cooperating universities: Loughborough University, Technische Universität Braunschweig, University of Technology Eindhoven, Universität Innsbruck
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Abstract: 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) is being used for off-site manufacture of many elements found in the built environment, ranging from furniture to bridges. The advantage of these methods is the value added through greater geometrical freedom because a mould is not needed to create the form. In recent years, research has focused on material properties both in the wet and hardened state, while less attention has been paid to verifying printed forms through geometry measurement. Checking conformity is a critical aspect of manufacturing quality control, particularly when assembling many components, or when integrating/interfacing parts into/with existing construction. This paper takes a case study approach to explore applications of digital measurement systems prior to, during, after manufacture using 3DCP and after the assembly of a set of 3DCP parts and discusses the future prospects for such technology as part …