Month: October 2021


REX|LAB 2021

UIBK SPRING 2021 Robotic Fabrication Workshop. The workshop focused in computationally designing and digitally fabricating a large-scale prototype structure utilizing robotic 3D printing at REX-LAB facility at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. The participants had the opportunity to engage with robotic fabrication and experiment with computational techniques to produce complex and elaborated results.


PhD Research exhibited at Potenziale 3 I aut. architektur und tirol (october 2021 – february 2022)

Theresa Uitz

Wall and ceiling paintings have frequently been used to expand the built architectural volume into fictive picture spaces. They became relevant as part of an overall architectural spatial strategy during the Renaissance but especially during 17th and 18th-century Baroque. These baroque paintings, exuberant worlds of colours, were very architectural and excel in their expansion of the built volume into … more

Thermochromic Topologies

PhD Research exhibited at Potenziale 3 I aut. architektur und tirol (october 2021 – february 2022)

Andreas Körner

As environmental responsibility becomes more prevalent, architects are encouraged to seek alternative mechanical heating and cooling solutions where possible. This has resulted in a shift in design thinking from a desire for a uniformly heated indoor environment to a more varied and comfortable one. However, expressing the thermodynamic qualities actively can be challenging as most thermal comfort parameters are not visible and … more