E1 & M1 Midterm – Model Behaviour
Thursday, 25.11.2021
Model Behaviour
Struktur und Transformation
Arts and Technology- based research
Clemens Preisinger
Christoph Opperer
Thursday, 25.11.2021
Model Behaviour
Struktur und Transformation
Arts and Technology- based research
Clemens Preisinger
Christoph Opperer
CoConch – Seamless Digital Materiality
CoConch – Seamless Digital Materiality continues the series of robotic experiments started in 2012 focusing on additive processes and the exploration of digital materiality at the REX|LAB of the University of Innsbruck. The installation was 3D-printed on-site in a scale of 1 : 1 during the exhibition period of the Potenzial 3 at the aut in Innsbruck from October 2021 to February 2022. The robot was put into