Re- inventing the hut / neuartige Urhütte
Course No.: Bachelor LV848126, Master LV848188
Mümün Keser, Christoph Opperer, Karolin Schmidbaur, Gonzalo Vaillo- Martinez, Martin Zangerl
This semester the focus is on material, construction and context. Under ‘Material Realization’ we understand the design process of realizing the identity of chosen materials in a construction in and out of a specific context. By ‘realization’ as opposed to ‘staging’ is meant a process that explores the inherent potential of different forms of matter and uses it for the creation of constructions and finally space formation. In contrast, staging would stand for subjective- arbitrary ideas and staging of them through the means of the material.
From a self-selected context of a heterogeneous cultural landscape (e.g. Wasteland, Junk Park, playground, boat harbor, industrial site, beer garden, Japanese garden, Latin American flea market, etc…..), three materials are to be chosen as the basis for the Concept and construction of a “novel primal hut”. The term “heterogeneous cultural landscape” stands for a hybrid place where the natural and man-made combine. By materials we do not mean the general designation of e.g. “wood” or “sand”, rather concrete material objects/ or elements/artifacts shall be chosen, like e.g. a root tuber, a specific stone, a pile of earth, the seating furniture of a beer garden, wooden planks of a boat, etc. – this can be organic or synthetic material, natural or left by man – that in their specificity, their form, their principles, inherent logic, properties…. are captured, researched and constructively reassembled or processed. or processed. The material elements should be as diverse as possible. Two of the materials are the main components of the future construction, the third serves as a connecting means or connecting substance.
The hut as a theme has deliberately archaic references, but shall be a product of the 21st century and be developed in a forward-looking manner. The hut is both old and new, retro and future, elementary and experimental. The goal is to design and construct a new kind of primitive hut. From the mound to the tree house, the floating soap bubble or the tent, basically all possible archetypes and their combinations of dwellings and construction methods are possible. The main focus of the task is the invention of an experimental construction method and its connections/wing logic from the originally chosen material objects or their derivatives and a primitive dwelling developed from them.
First Meeting: Thursday, 10.3.2022, 10:00, Hochbau Institute