Month: February 2023

Methoden und Prozesse im Hochbau

LV: 848108
Teaching: Mümün Keser, Paul Kapeller
Kickoff: FR 10.03.2023  –>  15:00 UHR @Spielwiese HB-Institut


transLations. – mediated architecture of the present

Architects are storytellers who create visions of the undeveloped future and idealized designs. We string together stories that make our audience believe in realities that are not yet based on reality.

As the name suggests, this seminar is about the mere translation of various media inputs into an architectural design. How can we read, analyze, develop, transform and … more

TRAITS Exhibition

Organised by the research group PDNB. Funded by the FWF-PEEK (Austrian Science Fund, Programme for Arts-based Research), led by Prof. Marjan Colletti at the Department for Experimental Architecture, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.


6-11 December 2022
Foyer, Architecture Building
Faculty of Architecture

The Exhibition was organised as a side event to the TRAITS of Postdigital Neobaroque International Conference 2022 in Obergurgl from 7-9 December. It showcased selected projects developed in the … more

E2 Throne Room Procession

Teaching: Pavlos Fereos, Eftihios Efthimiou

The course will be taught by Pavlos Fereos and Eftihios Efthimiou and explore the brief of “Throne Room Procession” during the SS 2022/23 Semester. 

The archetypical concept of “Procession”, a ceremonial and organized in an orderly fashion movement of people, evolves throughout history in different forms, while maintaining its basic principles intact. There’s always a linear process involved and the ceremonial destination which in terms of powers and authority many times is expressed in a … more

SE Hybride Prozesse

Teaching: Martin Zangerl

In einem ergebnisoffenen Prozess werden analytische Methoden und Interpretationstechniken entwickelt, die produktive Übersetzungsschritte zwischen Medien ermöglichen.

Die vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit 3D-scanning und dem Potential von Punktwolken bilden die Grundlage, um von einer Ideenskizze im physischen Modell über digitale Studien zu einer spekulativen Architektur zu gelangen. Die Frage ist, wie uns digitale Technologien neue Wege der Materialisierung und Tektonik erschließen können.

Weiters wollen wir in diesem Zusammenhang AR (Augmented Reality) in den Entwurfsprozess einführen. Diese Technologie soll uns … more