Day: April 24, 2023

Theatrical Effects. From Pictorial Space to Spatial Images

Or from Painterly Illusionism to Augmented Reality?

Theresa Uitz

PhD thesis: 2019- ongoing

Today, the Italian painter-architect Andrea Pozzo features in any overview of Baroque architecture. The reason for this lies not in his virtuosity as a painter, but rather in the explicit architectural character of his art. It is architectural because he intervenes in and alters the existing fabric of the building, but above all because his ceiling paintings, which are accurate in perspective when viewed from one angle, … more

On the Constitution of Ornament in Architecture

Historiography, Present and Morphology

Dr. Peter Massin

PhD thesis

DOI: http://10.25651/5.2022.0001

Rigorosum 01.07.2021.
Link to event:

This dissertation investigates the object-like ornament in architecture and examines its historiographic and contemporary constitution in design practice. The work is therefore both theoretical and applied. The topic of the dissertation, the ornament, is positioned at the heart of architecture and thus also amidst a cultural and technological debate, the social significance of which has become increasingly noticeable in recent years. The field … more

Augmenting Dynamic Environments

Environment-Responsive Materials as Dynamic Markers for Architectural Augmented Reality Applications

Research project led by Theresa Uitz and Andreas Körner (2021-2022)

With the awareness of our environmental responsibilities growing, architects must engage with alternative design strategies and techniques to express thermal comfort characteristics that are unseen with the naked eye and their inherent spatial features.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a digital technology that allows real events to be virtually augmented by overlaying real data with digital data. As an emergent technology, … more