Abstraction and saturation as instruments of depth and openness
Author: Gonzalo Vaíllo
Funded by Research Enhancement Scholarship Universität Innsbruck
Exhibited at Potenziale 3, aut.architektur und tirol
Innsbruck, October 14, 2021 – February 12, 2022
Dimensions: 120 x 127 x 180 cm
The installation seeks openness and free engagement with architecture. There is no unequivocal approach to it; no one has authority over it. On the contrary, each individual apprehension is legitimate as long as it is not governed by external pressures or norms. The piece speculates on the possibilities of multiple understandings of an architectural expression. It moves ambiguously between a 2D drawing and a 3D object, offering various figurations and scales through transparencies, overlays, and fragmentations. Abstraction and saturation are the syntactic vehicles towards an open work. Such a composition forces the beholder to move around the work to find and fuse the elements into a personal impression. Each of these subjective impressions and paths are but other expressions of the underlying project’s qualitative abundance. In short, we are another medium of expression of the project.