Research and teaching activities of Peter Massin at the Department of Experimental Architecture.
E3 Materia Chimera: Smudge and blend – A transcycling studio
Course No.: 848136 Team: Prof. Marjan Colletti | Catalina Tripolt | Peter Massin | Oliver…
Postdigital Textrin @ eCAADe 2024
Morphology and Ornamentation: Robotic fabrication of a biocomposite relief Authors: Peter Massin, Kilian Bauer Acknowledgements:The…
HOPE: Hybrid, Organic, Postplastic Environments
A holistic, ethical, and sustainable approach to home design and living environments REX|LAB @ Ars…
On the Constitution of Ornament in Architecture
Historiography, Present and Morphology Dr. Peter Massin PhD thesis DOI: http://10.25651/5.2022.0001 Rigorosum 01.07.2021. Link to…
TRAITS Exhibition
Organised by the research group PDNB. Funded by the FWF-PEEK (Austrian Science Fund, Programme for…
Super High-Res Assembly II
Prodigal Digitality – An Efflorescence of Fine Arts in postdigital Architectures Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter…
TRAITS Conference
Organised by the research group PDNB. Funded by the FWF-PEEK (Austrian Science Fund, Programme for…
Natures of postdigital beings
Ein Habitat für realvirtuelle Wesen Team: Theresa Uitz, Peter Massin Digitality has created two ideological…
Postdigital Nature of Planet B
Postdigital Natures of Planet B is a large-scale, robotically 3D-printed 1:1 installation made of recycled…
NEWS: 5 LFU Forschungspreise der österreichischen Bundeskammer der ZiviltechnikerInnen (Arch+Ing)
Wir freuen uns mitteilen zu können, dass Projekte der Studierenden des Instituts für Experimentelle Architektur,…
Km 0 Architecture
Grow/Print Your Own Building Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Georg Gasser, Mümün Keser, supported by…
TRIOPIC SPECTACLE @ARS Electronica Festival 2021
Postdigital Neobaroque Transmedia – PDNB As part of an ongoing process of diversification, as well…
Zur Konstitution des Ornaments in der Architektur
Zur Konstitution des Ornaments in der Architektur – Historiografie, Gegenwart und Morphologie Rigorosum Dipl.-Ing. Peter…
Postdigital Instabilities: Spatial Monsters
An eccentric teratology on architectural fragments Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Andreas Körner, Theresa Uitz…
Vernacular Performative Facades
Introduction into Typological Design Aspects of Building-Envelopes Team: Thomas Mathoy, Peter Massin, Marc Ihle Im…
Inspection methods for 3D concrete printing
Link to the full paper at the repository of Loughborough University Based on the REX|LAB…
High Riser
Joining Materiality – lightweight structures Team: Thomas Mathoy, Peter Massin, Marc Ihle Im Rahmen des…
REX|LAB, 2019 A 3D printed pavilion designed for the University of Innsbruck’s 350th anniversary, 2019….
Baukonstruktion 2
Auszüge der Sommersemester 2018 und 2019. Team: Thomas Mathoy | Peter Massin | Philipp Zimmermann…
Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin ed.: Meeting Nature Halfway
Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin ed.: Meeting Nature Halfway (Book) (June 2018) ISBN 978-3-903187-18-4 order…
Super High-Res Assembly: A Progression towards a Multi-D Architecture
Instructors: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin Design Studio 2 – 2nd year Master “Super High-Res Assembly”…
The Assemblage of Everything
Processes of materialising architecture 2015 – 1st Semester – Orientation Course instructor: Peter Massin Grundlagen…
More than Décor: The Responsive Ornament and Digital Criminals
Instructors: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Galo Moncayo Design Studio 4 – Bachelor Foundations & Project…
FrAgile 2 Porous Cast
REX|LAB, 2015 Installation for the exhibition ‘TAB – Tallinn Architecture Biennal’, Tallinn Estonia (9.9. –…
FrAgile Architecture
Team: Prof. Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Thomas Mathoy Students: Vogl-Fernheim Johanna, Pomberger Angelika, Hörl Louise,…
Digitally Aided Self‐crystallizing Ice Structures
Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Allison Weiler Students: Dünßer David Cornelius, Muller Gilles, Schwarz Charly,…
Digitally Aided Self‐crystallizing Ice Structures |2.0 Master
Team: Marjan Colletti, Peter Massin, Allison Weiler Architecture cannot exist without its natural context, and…
Depicting: Robotic FOAMing
Instructor: Peter Massin As a supplement to the ProtoRoboticFOAMing design studio, this course attempts to…
Biotronic (Water)gardens
Team: Marjan Colletti, Allison Weiler, Renate Weissenböck, Peter Massin Students: Gernot Baumann, Sven Winkler, Loris…
Team: Prof. Marjan Colletti , Georg Grasser, Peter Massin, Daniel Luckeneder, Markus Malin, Aleksandrina Rizova…