Marjan Colletti in: The Aesthetics of Sustainability
Marjan Colletti: The Sustainability of Aesthetics (Essay) in: The Aesthetics of Sustainability: Systemic Thinking and self-organization in the evolution of cities (2016, by Itaria Di Carlo)
Marjan Colletti: The Sustainability of Aesthetics (Essay) in: The Aesthetics of Sustainability: Systemic Thinking and self-organization in the evolution of cities (2016, by Itaria Di Carlo)
Marjan Colletti: Post-digital-Neo-Baroque – Reinterpreting Baroque Reality and Beauty in Contemporary Architectural Design (Essay) in: Neo-Baroques – From Latin America to the Hollywod Blockbuster (October 2016, Postmodern Studies 55, Issue edited by Walter Moser, Angela Ndalianis, Peter Krieger)